Allied Bank, in conjunction with Teamup Ventures, unveils the third installment of its sequence of Fintech Hackathons. Following the triumph of the initial two hackathons which observed the inception of revolutionary startups, Allied Bank and Teamup Ventures are once more uniting innovators and entrepreneurs to propel digital metamorphosis in the banking sphere.
The Allied Bank Fintech Hackathon will perpetuate its tradition of fostering ingenuity and cooperation among contenders. Concentrating on tackling pivotal hurdles and prospects in the Fintech domain, this year’s hackathon will spotlight four thematic domains:
1. Ingenious Authentication Mechanisms
2. Metamorphosing ‘myABL’ into an ‘Incorporated Digital Platform’
3. Embedding Generative Artificial Intelligence to Enhance Banking Amenities & Patron Experience
4. Harnessing SBP’s Raast Payment
The Hackathon will furnish contenders with a stage to devise and exhibit inventive resolutions that cater to the evolving requisites of clients in the digital epoch. Allied Bank’s sustained endeavors to orchestrate these hackathons underscore its dedication to propelling ingenuity and delivering extraordinary digital ordeals to its clienteles.
Reflecting on the triumph of the antecedent Hackathons, Mohsin Mithani, Chief Digital Officer at Allied Bank Limited, expressed, "The Fintech Hackathon has been pivotal in fostering ingenuity and nurturing nascent talent in the Fintech milieu. Such gatherings provide an outstanding prospect to interact with the broader Fintech community and probe innovative resolutions that can instigate substantial transformation in the banking industry. We anticipate witnessing the pioneering resolutions that contenders will conceive this year.”
Zouhair Abdul Khaliq, Founder and CEO at Teamup Ventures, echoed analogous sentiments, articulating, “The Allied Bank Fintech Hackathon has metamorphosed into a flagship event in the fintech fraternity, offering a platform for cooperation, ingenuity, and entrepreneurship. We are thrilled to once again collaborate with Allied Bank and bolster the subsequent generation of Fintech visionaries.”
Applications for the 3rd Allied Bank Fintech Hackathon are currently accessible, and interested contenders can enroll until 28th April 2024. Issue solvers and innovators from across the nation are urged to apply, and chosen contenders will have the chance to vie for pecuniary rewards amounting to a cumulative of PKR 3 million, mentorship prospects, and plausible partnership with Allied Bank Limited.
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